Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Cards

I love Christmas cards.

My family has always received lots of Christmas cards in the mail. Starting as early as Thanksgiving and trickling in even until after the New Year. My mom has always kept them in a basket on the coffee table, adding new ones on top as they come in. I love going through them - seeing the photos of people I haven't seen in awhile, reading the long update letters, admiring the designs and colors.

While Christmas cards - or even a mail system, for that matter - aren't really a thing in Bolivia, I've still enjoyed looking at the hundreds of templates and designs offered by places like Shutterfly. My favorites from this year's selection are:

"Joy & Magic"
...because it is just so classy! I love the green and black together. It's not the traditional red and green, but still looks plenty Christmas-y. I think this card is beautiful.

"Family Frame"
...because it's simple and leaves plenty of room for the photo. I love the winter-ish shade of blue and the fact the photo fills most of the card.

and "Faith Hope Family"
...because it allows for several photos and includes a Bible reference. I think it's nice to have that reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. And the colors on this one are lovely too - subdued, but festive.

Of course those are just three of MANY more Shutterfly holiday cards!

To my readers that are also bloggers - did you know you could get 50 free holidays cards from Shutterfly just by blogging about it? Quite a nice deal if you ask me! :)